Dec 30, 2010

VC 2.5.2010.12

New release of VC components is ready.
Now with full RTCP support, Git repository, Freeware version and new IP streaming components.

P.S. 31 Dec 2010. That was close.

Dec 1, 2010

Jul 19, 2010

VCX Library 3.0.2010.07 released

New release of VCX library is now available for download.

Includes samples and documentation for new components:

If you have a latest Beta key, it should be working with this release as well.

For Vista/7 installation issues, please read new instructions.

New simple linking schema also worth to be mentioned.

Thank you for reading our blog, stay tuned for more upcoming updates.

Jun 26, 2010

VCX Library 3.0.2010.06 Beta released

New beta release of VCX library is now available for download:

It includes new IPTransmitter/IPReceiver/RTPConfServer and RTPConfClient components.

License mode was changed, so if you already have a license, please contact us for update. All licenses for new release will be update free of charge.

We are updating the documentation now, after that that beta version will became a new release.

Mar 27, 2010

VC 2.5.2010.03 is here

We are glad to announce a long-awaited update for our VC components, with the following new major features:

- new RAW/RTP streaming components: TunaIPReceiver and TunaIPTransmitter. Two new samples show how to use them for streaming.

- new RTP-based conference server and client components: TunaConfRTPserver and TunaConfRTPclient. New RTP conference samples introduce conference system designed for large number of participants.

Read more in-depth details of update in our newsletter.

Jan 11, 2010

Public sources

As the number of Object Pascal wrappers we have for well-know libraries grows, we decided to release them for public domain in hope they would be useful for many developers.

Right now you can download the Monkey Audio library API wrapper with some samples included (like apeAnalyze, apeCompress and apeDecompress). Just follow the audio\ape folder of our SVN repository. If you do not use SVN, you can download a tarball with all the sources required.

Visit our project home page to stay tuned with further public releases: